“Natural” or “organic” search engine results are the list of websites that are found under the “sponsored links” results. The “sponsored links” are websites that have paid for that placement, this is known as Pay Per Click. The natural results are all the websites that the search engine thinks are relevant to the keywords you searched for. To be listed within the top search results of organic search engine listings your website has to be optimised for the keywords/phrases you wish to come up for. This is known as SEO or Search Engine Optimisation.

Some statistics show that organic/natural search engine optimisation is a much better method of online advertising for generating traffic to a website site than a Pay Per Click program.

Benefits of Organic SEO

The benefits of being on the front page of Google under sponsored ads are huge. 93% of internet users don’t look further than the first two pages of search engine results. Traffic from search engines is the most valuable kind of traffic as it is comprised of qualified visitors actively looking for a product, service information, or solution.

If you want the benefits of your website to be listed high in the natural search engine results then I can help you. Contact me today to see how I can help you.